Hi there, so "I called in covid", that's what my mom said when I told her, in tears, I haven't written an outfit of the week email in two weeks. I haven't missed two weeks, EVER, including having a new born baby at home. A friend of mine who is a nurse told me they have covid days, they call in, say covid as a reason and no questions, paid, move on. I have had my ups and downs with this pandemic: emotionally, financially and even physically. I am counting my blessings and giving myself grace, and forgiving the many discomforts stemming from fear. But the last couple weeks were overwhelming for me. My sweet daughter turned 2, which is such a gift and while we don't get much sleep, we do experience an abundance of joy and delight each and every day. This though, was feeling small, like the challenges were overwhelming the wins, and that's not common for me. I cried a lot, I was not showing up with my full self, and all I can say is I feel and hope the tide has turned, and wonder if I have a new color cape. I think of Gandalf the Grey getting to the form of Gandalf the white, no small battle in the depths with a very scary and seemingly overwhelming monster. Let's see.
I am feeling the same uncertainty but with more allowance and I'm tackling some small really annoying tasks and meditating on gratitude. I'm shifting. I'm considering breath work. I share because it's helpful for me and perhaps for you. I know this is a shared experience with many variations. I know there is light and darkness, and I know that hope is always available but sometimes with more ease than at other times...
If you would like to pop in, please reach out to set up an appointment. We can chat, shop and laugh and enjoy the new design of our space which is GORGEOUS. We will be open Sunday afternoon for a bit but other than that it's by appointment this week. You can call email text or dm me.
I miss you, and wish you well.
xoxo, Cecelia
Ps. New Arrivals are lovely, all sort of sweet and sultry in their own ways... I guess that's how I'm feeling sweet and spicy. hee hee
email: cecelia@vocabularyboutique.com or
text me 619-316-6598 for private appointments