Bonjour Baby!
I am feeling spunky today, how are you? This is after a very brave day yesterday and a bit of boredom the day before that...
I received a gift yesterday that was in the form of a tiger pin, very sweet, and it's now our mascot on our the backpack Lillian and I share for outings. Thank you Conni. Thank you Farmgirl, for the message attached. She spoke of bravery in the form of putting your shoes on and trying again, or opening your email, or asking for help... So subtle, so often unnoticed and sometimes considered less than the big bold type of bravery with a costume and a weapon, saving days with grand gestures...
In tears, I realized my days lately have called for so much bravery: for me to be honest when I feel less than, ashamed, scared. For me to look for answers to difficult questions, for me to try even though it might be a TOTAL waist of what little time I actually have to spare in my day.
Girl, it's been a week, and the message attached to the little tiger pin was about that: so many parts of our lives that call for us to be brave and while they might not be celebrated, your life notices. One foot in front of the other, foundations are built: slowly, steadily upon so many of those moments and your life thanks you for trying. Mine does too.
So if you are in need, or want, of some fun new armor, I've got several new pieces we just added to our collection, and many pieces that are going on SALE!
We are hosting a sidewalk sale this weekend. We are open by appointment OR for these windows.
Friday 3-7
Saturday 10-3
Sunday 11-3
You'll enjoy 50% off some beauties, and $5 shipping on anything you see featured on instagram stories and want sent to you:)
xoxo, Cecelia
Ps. I want to share some changes with you that, as they become more the norm, I want to include you. I keep hearing myself say aloud: it's like I'm opening a new business with all these changes! Seriously, talk about brave. This is an interesting time, for sure and it's calling for change. A GREAT BrenĆ© Brown podcast aboutĀ "newness"Ā here. Thank you Martha. MUAH!
INSTAGRAM: I do try ons of our goods on instagram and it takes some time, and it's imperfect, and it's fun and we are happy to talk more in person, via phone or text or dm, and then we ship. It's working. Please follow us, watch our stories and feel free to ask meĀ howĀ if this doesn't make sense to you! We can invoice you or you can venmo us... It's pretty easy people are ordering more and more this way which I'm noticing is taking me away from my emails. I'm not giving them up but I'm not getting them written as often as I'd like.
I hope to improve that, but for now,Ā pleaseĀ reach out if you'd like to see the videos or photos and don't use instagram. I will share with you directly:)
PRODUCTS: We are getting in new products as before but fewer and far between because of access, and because we aren't selling as much as before.
So, we are partnering with designers who are willing to allow us to take PRE-ORDERS on pieces we love but can only carry if you are really interested.
This means you can still return if they don't work but you would order and we would ship as the top or pant became available, usually in a week or two, instead of just shipping from our inventory in the boutique. This means more sizes available more often, and we get to work with designers on how women really feel about the pieces being designed before too many pieces get cut that don't really work. Win Win, really, and an exciting twist to my role as a buyer and stylist. I get to share your voice with the makers, and you then become more of the purpose behind what gets created. SO COOL!
This sweet puff sleeve tee is a pre-order tee, has not yet arrived but I will order for you with free shipping. Price $54, 100% cotton and the sweetest sleeve a girl could ask for!
So, as I transform, evolve, and bite my nails, I am noticing how BRAVE I am and wearing a pretty tee and a bad ass leather jacket to get the job done, 'cause it just feels right.
Pre-order this jacket too, $358, it's amazing.
email: or
text me: 619-316-6598 for private appointments