Shifting Course is a daily requirement right?! Plans get cancelled, traffic stops, heels break. Internally we can shift as well. I am currently learning about the stories we tell ourselves, and others, to allow our brains to make sense of our worlds, our emotions, our relationships. In my learning, I've been a bit mind blown at the simplest of realizations.
1. We tell stories, all day long, and people believe them. We believe them. They aren't always TRUE! Not because we are lying, but because we have belief systems in play that may not be accurate for this particular moment, but we don't notice, because our brain has a pathway for experiencing and filing this type of experience. This must mean .... you fill in the blank based on past experiences or assumptions. So, I'm shifting my thinking to wonder what this or that means to me. I'm trying to ask about and learn from the experience, more than define it. I'm trying to ask more questions of others about their stories instead of believing them and running with them. That doesn't always serve those we're supporting. It's a big shift, and during the day, when I start telling myself one of my good ol' trusty stories I always tell (I don't know about you, but a few of mine are on repeat like a favorite play list, except they aren't my favorite stories)... I am hitting pause button and saying to myself: This is a story.
2. I'm then asking How do I feel right now? HUGE! Usually, there is a big feeling, which wants a story to think about instead of feeling the feeling. It's an avoidance if you will. Then that poor feeling doesn't get felt, then we keep reliving that story because we don't know how to feel the feeling. FYI, the feeling can be felt and will go away on its own, like a wave you surf, and then there will be something else. It's actually easier to feel the feeling then come up with the big story. Save that for the book deal, you could actually get paid for writing!:)
3. Many people do this storytelling (dare I say all of us), but very few of us realize it. I'm sharing because I'm a little lonely and very vulnerable as I begin sharing with others how I actually feel instead of wrapping my feelings up in a story that I thought was easier for them and for me to experience. I'm trusting we are capable of shifting our awareness inward, honestly, and then showing up with more ease. Let's see, I'm curious where this will go. I feel both excited and nervous on this inner voyage. I'm going to dress up my outside to support myself. I want polished, comfortable and chic. Boom, black and white shift dress. Classic and intentional. Here I go, out the door with confidence, the boss mama that I am. Love that story!
Pop in to dress yourself for your next voyage, be it inward, outward or both.
xoxo, Cecelia
Ps. On the subject of support: Megan, our stylist and accessories guru recently told me that she thinks a client thought she was
just trying to sell them something. She was so incredibly offended. My heart soared.
We are absolutely here to serve you, support you, and build you up. Our mission: cultivating and spreading joy. We are here to help you explore and articulate your personal style.
We are NOT trying to sell you on something you are not ready to wear, something ill fitting or anything that doesn't make you feel amazing. Please don't confuse us with anyone from your past, who may have been selling you on something you didn't prefer. Let us help you find a new retail experience, where we really care about your well being
We are NOT trying to sell you on something you are not ready to wear, something ill fitting or anything that doesn't make you feel amazing. Please don't confuse us with anyone from your past, who may have been selling you on something you didn't prefer. Let us help you find a new retail experience, where we really care about your well being
because we do.
Trust us. Tell us how you feel. We got you!
Pps. Yessss this dress has pockets!
Want to support those affected by the Wildfires, check out @artinthefind's insta stories or click here for Red Cross.