What a beautiful Spring Day! This linen dress arrived yesterday and talk about Sunday's Best?! Such a beautiful piece to add to this season's collection, and while we don't normally do this, we have it in white OR blue, because I just couldn't decide, and really, how great are options. Saturday is our Macrame and Mimosas workshop with Danielle, get your tix HERE, a fun Easter Weekend learning experience, and a great opportunity to snag a few goodies for your Easter Basket if you practice this charming tradition. It's a favorite of mine. It was one of the few times growing up that we could have GUM! The Easter Bunny would bring it, despite our mom despising it, and honestly, what a TREAT!
This week you've been talking with me about revealing necklines (this one isn't too low which is a nice option for a day dress), the use of I vs. We in language, and weight loss. What do these three things have in common and why am I yelling out universal BINGO?! I'm wondering how often "we" are revealing our true feelings about a situation, or more comfortably placing ourselves within a "we" where we don't have to share our more individual, personal experience. We also don't have to ask how the other person is actually feeling, we can just assume we are feeling the same, speak for the group and move forward. I'm wondering if there is truth to "extra" weight being a protector or possibly something we hide within, and are you clear about what you're hiding from...I mean this beautiful life can be full of boogiemen (not to be sexist). I'm wondering if you are consciously choosing how much and with whom to reveal your truth, whether it's how your skin looks at your age, or how you may feel joyful and anxious when gathering with family. Just a few examples from my household to yours wink, wink.
Honestly, how are you feeling? Okay okay, enough questions:)
As for me, I'm really curious what this new season will reveal. I wish you the happiest of Springs, and I hope to see you hoppin' into the boutique as often as possible; we have new pieces arriving weekly and new stylists, Kristana and Cassandra, who are bringing delightful energy to our shopping experiences!
xoxo, Cecelia
My basket worthy Picks!