I like a whiskey...neat, on occasion. Good for sipping and taking your time, no extra calories, kind of a serious, sultry vibe, and honestly I like to say it, I'll take a whiskey... neat. No mess, right? No muss no fuss, and nobody got time for watered down drinks. Seuss's rocks in socks? Silly. Watered down drink for the connoisseur? Not so funny.
Especially now, If I'm out for a cocktail, I probably have an hour, and it better be good.
As for our outfit of the week... this bag is everything. The tunic dress is a sac, and looks effortless while chic, belted or worn loose, dress or top, with heels or flats...It's that versatile, just threw it on, and have no concern about how my body looks, because I feel so fabulous and that's the most important thing. No muss no fuss is right, no fixing of straps, sucking in, tugging or pulling. How neat, just to flow, like the fringe on your bag in the wind.
Cheers to a wonderful week, and a double entendre at lunch, or a double old fashioned, whichever you prefer. wink wink
xoxo, Cecelia