Years ago, my husband asked me, if we ever have a child, will the baby's room be ALL gingham or just some of it. I had to laugh when I came in to see our new arrivals, and the gingham dress had been named "So Cecelia" by our stylist Suher. Needless to say I'm obsessed with it. Stripes and Gingham are my absolutely FAVS, and I wear no dress without sneakers these days. These styles pair perfectly! The French and Italians are known for their sensible and chic sneaks with dresses; its brilliant and incredibly comfortable, especially when traveling. What are your preferred dress worthy travel shoes? I highly recommend converse, new balance, or sperrys boat shoes for my everyday dresses. This leads me to my next question: how do you find new places to try when you travel? My stylists told me they all use yelp, I detest yelp! I use instagram mostly, but curious what's out there that you all trust and love for guiding you on your adventures? Honestly, friends like Conni, @artinthefind are responsible for most of my travel experiences. I like to try something new with the confidence of a trusted source:) Next question, what are your favorite recommendations for friends visiting SD? My mom is visiting so I'm inspired to update Cecelia's Guide to San Diego on the blog to keep it current. Let me know your updates!
Just hit reply.
Enjoy this sunshine y'all, its a beautiful day!
xoxo, Cecelia