Happy Friday Loves!
Here's my roundup, or capsule, if you are needing a nice box of Autumn updates, this is what I'll send you, in an instant! We have a day full of appointments, and are LOVING getting some intimate time with those of you shopping with us, hearing how you are coping with this interesting life experience...
Today a girlfriend told me about an upcoming date and we were sharing ideas for what we wear and why, when dating. Crop tops MAY be for good for getting to second base... heee heee... Nice to have conversations with laughter and hope and covid-less connotations whenever possible.
How are you? When would you like to come in or shop with me virtually?!
20% off your entire purchase when you book an appt. in September!
It's our birthday, 11 years, and growing...
A time for inward contemplation and intentional planning so that when we CAN outwardly celebrate again, we get it right, and it's REAL good!
Love and miss you!
xoxo, Cecelia
PLEASE follow our try-ons on instagram stories and facebook.
email: cecelia@vocabularyboutique.com or REPLY here
text me: 619-316-6598 for private appointments
or DM me on instagram @vocabularyboutique